Saturday, March 3, 2012

You lose some, you win one... a big one!

The four game losing streak got us in Devs Nation scratching our heads. Zach Parise said something along the lines of: "We're not playing badly". Truthfully, he was right. The Vancouver game was a great hockey game with a fight all the way to the final horn.

The Tampa game was decent, but St. Louis kept being captain (or alt. captain) buzz kill and scoring right when we started to get some life. After you lose a game 8-1 and have to play the following day shoving your backup in against the likes of Kovalchuk and Parise and win, you either did something right or the opponent did something wrong. In this case it was a little of both. NJ never looked in control of that game even when they did have a lead. Ponikarovsky has been ridiculous for us on that 3rd line and that Tampa game was probably his best one yet. When he got traded to NJ for basically nothing it was the best easy pickup in a very long time. Carolina fans are probably shaking their heads at that trade. My biggest problem with that game was: why did Zidlicky dump it in at the end? That entire final few minutes when they were trying to tie it up, all they did was dump and chase. Guess DeBoer thought if we do it enough times the Lightning will not expect it. DERP! It wasn't working but they kept it up literally until the final horn. Every time it was dumped in a Bolt was there to intercept and bring it right back past the blue line. Hey, Pete, you ever think of maybe I don't know, a BREAKOUT might split the defense and force turnovers in the offensive zone? You know that basic form of offense your players learned when they were playing peewees?

Then we come to the WONDERFUL warm welcome of New York City. Where was I that night? New York City. At the game? No. I almost went too, but decided to save myself the money and potential embarrassment. Didn't even watch the game either (sue me, I have a life). But Twitter and my fellow Devil Tweeps kept me updated by text what was going on, and apparently not too much in terms of happy Devil moments. Getting shut out by the Rangers if you're a Devils fan is like losing a video game with your brother. You lost, and you know you're going to hear about it all day. Let's face it, we all have that one Dirt Rag fan in our friendly inner circle. And they WILL rub it in, but cry when they lose on a clear... clear... CLEAR AS GLASS... goalie interference call.

When you play a team four times and lose all four games (three of which were decisive), something is wrong with your planning. But when it comes to Boston, I feel it comes down to a guy by the name of Timmy Thomas. However, the other night in Beantown, the Devils played great. Yet another hat trick against however costed them the game. But what a game it was. If I wasn't a Devils fan I would've been so excited how that game turned out because it really was a fun game to watch. But since I am a Devils fan I am going to try to think of ways to forget that game.

Last night the Devils were in our nation's capital. I was at the Stone Pony for a concert, but luckily the game was on the TV and could see the game as well as the concert. A huge improvement from the previous four games. When I saw Moose make that save on the two-on-one I knew then NJ had this one. And after all those hat tricks against us, we finally got one of our own once more. Parise dished out some capital punishment last night (see what I did there?). One last thing. I can't go without mentioning that Zubey flip. Put him in the breakaway competition and he'll win. All in all a great game for New Jersey and their fans including myself. Hopefully it continues on Sunday as we take on the New York Icelanders.

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