Saturday, September 15, 2012

I finally can't take it!

I am at a loss of words.  And I am not what you would call an economic genius.  I don't know the difference between the CBA and the NBA.  But what I am is a hockey fan.  A hockey fan who has spent countless amounts of money, energy, and time into watching my team over the past 25 years.  That's a quarter of a century I devoted to this team and to this league.

This could possibly be the 3rd lockout in my lifetime.  Most sports have had zero in their history.  Hockey went almost 80 years without missing one season except for the 1919 flu epidemic.  Then in 1994 there was the first lockout.  This one lasted a few months and the season was shortened.  Gary Bettman and the NHL executives PROMISED us this would never happen again.  Well, in 2004 it did.  The NHL season was completely cancelled.  This was and still is the only time in North American professional sports that an entire season was cancelled due to a labor dispute.  They finally agreed and the 2005-06 season went off perfectly.  The NHL was is it's prime in my opinion during this time.  The media was all over hockey.  The revenue was growing to surplus numbers and the TV ratings were higher than ever.  The addition of the shootout was a welcoming sight as well.

Now here we are, six years later.  Same spot again.  This is where I say enough is enough!  The fans are what make this sport what it is.  It's not Bettman and his goons!  I say three strikes and you're out Gary!  This is the third time you allowed this to happen during your time as NHL commissioner.  Why does he still have a job?  I know he's in charge but isn't there some sort of majority rule?  If we can try to impeach a president for having an affair we can certainly get rid of this guy for screwing the hockey world over three times!

This is where I say it's time we took action ourselves.  We all have the power to do something about this.  It could be as little as boycotting  Refusing to shop at the NHL store.  Protesting out in front of the NHL store in NYC.  We all have the power to make a change!  I started this blog with the intention of bringing people a look at Devils hockey from a fan's perspective instead of the perspective of someone who gets paid to do it.  I chose to start this blog because of how passionate I am about this game.  It was never about the money!  It was about the love of the game!

Without us there is no hockey! The sooner Gary Bettman and the owners realize that the sooner things will start to run smoother.  If this doesn't get fixed we will right back here again in 6 or 7 years.  Same problems!

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